have questions?
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frequently asked



q: How will I know the delivery date of my order?

By default, the expected delivery will between 2 to 3 days after the placement of the order. If you have any questions, you can email us at sales@ansaribhasin.com.

q: Shipping Options And Timeframes For Orders:

The expected delivery time of your order will be between 2 and 3 business days after the placement of your order. The order will be delivered directly to the registered address on your account.


q: What happens if I’m out when the carrier tries to deliver?

The shipment will be returned back to the nearest branch, and a call will be given again the next day for the delivery. But we highly suggest to received your order within the given date of delivery to avoid further delays. Note that in the 2nd try of delivery you will charged.


return policy

q: Where and how can I return and change my wronged sized item?

You can go to Bhasin Ansari Hawally branch ONLY with your delivery receipt and present this to one of our personnel for validation and checking. If the returned item has no defects, we will replace it with the correct requested size.

q:How can I return my defect item?

If the item has defects, you can go to the Bhasin Ansari Hawally branch ONLY for checking and validation of the item. Please bring your delivery receipt. If it's legitimate defect, we will replace the defected item. We strongly advise you to double-check your item before signing and confirming your delivery order



q: How Do I track my order?

You can track the order directly on the Bhasin Ansari website. Log in to your account and go to "My Order" to track your order.

q: How Can I Change or Cancel My Order?

Unfortunately, you cannot cancel or change the order once it is confirmed. However for return of damage / for change size item you can personally go to our Hawally branch only with your email receipt for replacement, as we will not be responsible for the pick-up of the your item.

q: Billing And Payment Options

As of this moment, we only accept bank payment thru KNET and CBK T-pay QR before placing the order. Other options may be available in the future for further improvements.


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